10 Tips to Live Your Best Life with Successful Living

elon musk
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Personal Growth

Here are ten tips you may wish to take for your personal development growth plan.

1. Do it Now

To see your harvest, you need to plant your seed now. Every day do something about your personal development plan. It takes time to achieve lasting change, but the key to success is do it now.

2. Be teachable

You can gain from the success of other people and learn from their mistakes. Find a mentor or coach so that your learning curve will not be too steep. Read as many books and listen to as many audio programmes as you can.

3. Embrace Failure

Failure is the mother of success. Embrace failure because through failure you will learn and experience growth. If you get knocked down, the key is to get back up and never give up.

4. Accept Change

Only one thing is constant – CHANGE. Our world is changing all the time. Even if you do nothing you will change by default as the world evolves. Be adaptable.

5. Be Accountable

You are responsible for your progress and accomplishments. It also means you own the result and no one else is to blame. Be accountable and take responsibility for your own personal development growth.

#5 Cost of not following your heart
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6. Practice Gratitude

What you focus on expands. Focus on what you already have and you will have more. Always count your blessings. Every day, take time to be thankful. Adopt an attitude of gratitude.

7. Be Intentional

Your intention becomes your reality. Your goals and your intentions must be aligned, if they are not aligned, you will come up with reasons to procrastinate and that prevents you from progressing.

8. Get out of your comfort zone

You need to challenge yourself and get out of your safe harbour (comfort zone). If you do what is easy, you are not using your potential fully and deny yourself the satisfaction of achievements.

“The great tragedy of life is not death. The great tragedy of life is what we allow to die inside of us while we live.” – Dr Norman Cosins.

9. Pursue Your Passion

Do the things that tickle your soul. Find a career that is meaningful, fulfilling and makes you happy. Be the master in the ‘Art of Successful Living’ where work and play make no difference, because you are always doing both!

10.Never Give Up

We will experience ups and down in life. Challenges are inevitable, when you hit rock bottom, get back up and keep moving forward. The key is never give up. Success is closer than you think.



**To read more on strategies and tips for powerful living and achieving your personal best, you can download the FREE ebook on How to create a life of abundance below.

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