Five Steps to taking Massive Action

Have you had an experience where you know what you want, you have the knowledge to get things done and you know you have to take action but you are not doing anything ?

What’s stopping you could be either fear (of failure or the unknown) or lack of clarity for immediate execution. As human, we have the propensity of staying in the safe habour of the known (also known as our comfort zone).

You will never realize your true potential and greatness within you if you choose to remain in your comfort zone.

Here are my five steps to taking massive action and achieve your goals:

1. Don’t wait for the perfect time.

Your perfect time is to start NOW. Take the first step and get started.

2. Start with baby steps.

You may have consume a lot of information and knowledge on how to execute your ideas. Now it is time to apply all your knowledge into concrete actions. There is time to CONSUME and there is time to CREATE.

3. Don’t seek for perfections.

Focus on where you have been and seek for PROGRESS. Focus on the daily tasks that your future self will be appreciative for.

4. Break a big goal into mini goals.

For example, if your big goal is to complete a book in 1 year. Writing a page a day is your mini goal. Achieving mini daily wins can motivate you towards your big goal. Celebrate your wins, no matter how small it is.

5. Don’t ignore your emotions, but do not be control by it.

To overcome your fear you have to get some perspective on it. Think of the time that you have overcome your fear in the past and draw courage and inspiration from those experiences. Recognize there are opportunities and possibilities in life.

Once you get started, keep on progressing, you will have the momentum to stay on course.

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