I have always see failure as a mother of Success and because I have failed so many times, I come to appreciate the detours – life is not about a smooth journey. Along the way, you will meet obstacles and challenges. Appreciate and learn to take the detours.
Problems can be predictors, reminders, opportunities, blessings in disguise, lessons or divine messages.
Consider how empowering that can be?
Consider Your Failures as a Process to Learn and Grow
When we fail or have a bad experience, we need to learn to become more like creators, innovators and inventors. When their work fails, they call it an experiment that didn’t work. Or they say they tested a hypothesis. They keep their perspective, avoid taking it personally, learn from it, and leverage it for future achievements. What a wonderful way to look at things.
J.K. Rowling
Rowling is one of the most inspirational success stories of our time. Many people know her as the woman who created Harry Potter. But, what most people don’t know is what she went through prior to reaching stardom. Rowling’s life was not peaches and cream. She struggled tremendously.
In 1990, Rowling first had the idea for Harry Potter. She stated that the idea came “fully formed” into her mind one day while she was on a train from Manchester to London. She began writing furiously. However, later that year, her mother died after 10 years of complications from Multiple Sclerosis.
In 1992 she moved to Portugal to teach English where she met a man, married, and had a daughter. In 1993, her marriage ended in divorce and she moved to Edinburgh, Scotland to be closer to her sister. At that time, she had three chapters of Harry Potterin her suitcase.
Rowling saw herself as a failure at this time. She was jobless, divorced, penniless, and with a dependent child. She suffered through bouts of depression, eventually signing up for government-assisted welfare. It was a difficult time in her life, but she pushed through the failures.
In 1995 all 12 major publishers rejected the Harry Potter script. But, it was a year later when a small publishing house, Bloomsbury, accepted it and extended a very small £1500 advance. In 1997, the book was published with only 1000 copies, 500 of which were distributed to libraries.
In 1997 and 1998, the book won awards from Nestle Smarties Book Prize and the British Book Award for Children’s Book of the Year. After that, it was one wild ride for Rowling. Today, Rowling has sold more than 400 million copies of her books, and is considered to be the most successful woman author in the United Kingdom.
(JK Rowling’s story source credit : wanderlustworker.com)
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