You Have Unlimited Possibilities

Recently, a friend of mine sent me a beautiful inspirational video that I felt compelled to share it with everyone. It’s a video about Jessica Cox who is recognized internationally as an inspirational keynote speaker. Born without arms, Jessica now flies airplanes, drives cars and otherwise lives a normal life using her feet as others use their hands. She holds the title of the first person without arms in the American Taekwondo Association to get a black belt and the Guinness World Record for being the first armless person in aviation history to earn a pilot’s certificate. Convinced that the way we think has a greater impact on our lives than our physical constraints, she chose to pursue a degree in psychology at the University of Arizona. Since then she has traveled to 20 countries sharing her inspirational message.

Jessica’s story just goes to show that all of us have unlimited possibilities, no matter what our circumstances might be or what challenges we might be facing.

The people that will make it in life don’t look at the circumstance they are in, they look for the unlimited possibilities that they can create to fulfill their dreams.

Personally, I think the only person that can help (or stop ) us from winning and achieving is us. The people that turn their dreams into reality believes in unlimited possibilities. They are relentless, unstoppable and have a never give up attitude. They are also determined, driven and make no excuse in working towards their goals.

If it’s possible for one person, it is possible for YOU !
If tomorrow wasn’t promised, what would you do for yourself today ?
If you are hungry…. BE UNSTOPPABLE ! The BEST IS WITHIN YOU !

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